Reflexology is a popular technique that uses specific areas on the feet (or hands) to improve health and well-being in the client. Points on the feet correspond with organs and systems of the body via a meridian network and pressure is applied to these areas so as to benefit the individual’s well-being. It enables the client to let stress flow away rather than to let tensions accrue leading toward poor health. Reflexology is a relaxing ritual and many clients find that they gain a sense of peace and are able to relax completely during sessions. |
Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energy healing based on the philosophy that there is a universal energy that supports the body's inherent self-healing abilities. Reiki practitioners seek to access this energy allowing it to flow to the body and facilitate the healing process. Reasons you may want to experience a Reiki session:
Holistic Care Fund
Holistic care should be available to anyone who would benefit. Often these persons are unable to afford to pay for this type of attention and care. One of the goals at the 'Well' is to have this type of care available to all. Unfortunately, there are costs associated with this goal. If you would like help me attain this goal, donations to the community fund will be a great help. To donate, contact Kerry, [email protected].
Donations will be used to provide gift certificates for yoga classes, reflexology, reiki or meditation sessions (or an integrated mix) to individuals identified as needing the care. There is a method in place to identify persons who could benefit, but if you know someone we could help in this way, please let me know.
Alternately if you wish to sponsor a specific person in need of this type of care, that can be arranged as well.
Holistic care should be available to anyone who would benefit. Often these persons are unable to afford to pay for this type of attention and care. One of the goals at the 'Well' is to have this type of care available to all. Unfortunately, there are costs associated with this goal. If you would like help me attain this goal, donations to the community fund will be a great help. To donate, contact Kerry, [email protected].
Donations will be used to provide gift certificates for yoga classes, reflexology, reiki or meditation sessions (or an integrated mix) to individuals identified as needing the care. There is a method in place to identify persons who could benefit, but if you know someone we could help in this way, please let me know.
Alternately if you wish to sponsor a specific person in need of this type of care, that can be arranged as well.